Eligibility Criteria
The target beneficiaries of CATS are the following PRH General Applicant (GA) households who are waiting for PRH:
- Applicant households with two or more persons; or
- Applicants under the Single Elderly Persons Priority Scheme.
The above households must meet all the following criteria throughout the period of receiving the cash allowance, including –
- having fulfilled the general eligibility criteria for PRH allocation (e.g. within income and asset limits; with no domestic property in Hong Kong; meeting the residence requirement; not holding a valid Green Form Certificate; not having requested for putting on hold their PRH application; the PRH application concerned is not being frozen/withheld, etc.);
- having been waiting for PRH for more than three years;
- having not yet been provided with the first PRH flat offer (save for cases of “acceptable reasons” for refusing housing offers as determined by HD under the existing PRH allocation mechanism);
- *are living in Hong Kong but not living in public housing;
- *are not receiving the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA); and
- *are not being detained in prison.
* Within a household, those who are living in public housing, receiving the CSSA, or being detained in prison are not eligible to apply for the cash allowance. Other family members who have met all eligibility criteria may still apply for the cash allowance.
For details, please refer to the Application Guide of the Cash Allowance Trial Scheme. The eligibility criteria as stated in the Application Guide of the Cash Allowance Trial Scheme shall prevail.